Welcome to Episode 14 of the Thin Places Travel Podcast. Coming up is the 2nd of two interviews with Anthony Murphy, an expert on the World Heritage Site known as Bru na Boinne or the Boyne Valley. In this episode Anthony talks about his recent, once-in-a-lifetime discovery made when doing some aerial photography. It appears to be an ancient henge.

#014 New Henge Discovery in Boyne Valley – Anthony Murphy
Host – Mindie Burgoyne
Guests – Anthony Murphy – Mythical Ireland
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A Once-in-a-Lifetime Discovery
Anthony Murphy and friend find a new henge near Newgrange
This episode is a follow up to episode 13 where I interviewed Irish ancient monument expert, Anthony Murphy. Anthony is a husband and father of five who currently works full time as a journalist. He spends a portion of his free time examining, studying and photographing the ancient monuments in the Boyne Valley – a World Heritage Site. This Valley is not too far from where Anthony lives and if you follow his facebook page – Mythical Ireland, you’ll see that he gets out quite often to photograph the area at various stages of daylight and twilight throughout the changing seasons of the year. Continue reading “014 New Henge Discovery in Boyne Valley – Anthony Murphy”