Welcome to Episode 15 of the Thin Places Travel Podcast. In this episode, we’ll be talking to Dolores Whelan, an author, lecturer and pilgrimage leader from County Louth. Her new book, Ever Ancient, Ever New: Celtic Spirituality in the 21st Century, explores the wisdom of the Celtic tradition through the Celtic Year and has a strong focus on Celtic Spirituality as it relates to the concept of thin places.

#015 Celtic Spirituality and Thin Places with Dolores Whelan
Host – Mindie Burgoyne
Guests – Dolores Whelan – Author, Lecturer, Pilgrimage Leader
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Dolores Whelan on Celtic Spirituality and Thin Places
Dolores Whelan is a well-respected leader in the area of Celtic Spirituality and Thin Places.
She is a great spiritual teacher who lives at the foot of the Cooley Mountains in County Louth. She will talk to us about how the accessibility of the Otherworld dimensions within the sacred landscape.
Dolores has always been a teacher and educator. And she’s one of the most educated people I’ve ever met. At one time she was a biochemistry lecturer holding a Master of Science degree from Trinity College Dublin. Now she is an author and lecturer on spirituality and also leads pilgrimages to the sacred places in Ireland and Iona, Scotland. Dolores has written extensively on education, creativity, and Celtic Spirituality. She has facilitated workshops and retreats in Celtic Spirituality and personal empowerment for over 25 years.
Her most recent book is Ever Ancient, Ever New: Celtic Spirituality in the 21st Century explores the wisdom of the Celtic tradition through the Celtic Year. S
She also co-created a perpetual Celtic calendar with US artist, the late Cynthia Matyi through which Dolores shares her passion for the wisdom held within the Celtic Year calendar celebrating the festivals associated with the seasons of the Celtic year .
Her work has been featured on RTE Radio and on RTE Television Nationwide She is a co-founder of both The Brigid of Faughart Festival now in its 10th year and the Brigids Way Pilgrimage which is in its 5th year.
Celtic Spirituality and Thin Places
Several of the sites mentioned by Dolores Whelan will be sites on our 2019 tours of thin places – in particular, the Hill of Tara and Newgrange and Beltany Stone Circle. Stay tuned in our next episode for the announcement of dates and destinations for 2019. It looks like we will have 4 tours next year – Scotland – 2 in Ireland and one in North America
WEBSITE: Dolores Whelan website http://www.doloreswhelan.ie
AUDIO CD: Journey through the Celtic Year CD by Dolores Whelan
CALENDAR: Celtic Calendar – Dolores Whelan and Cynthia Matyi
BOOK: Ever Ancient, Ever New: Celtic Spirituality in the 21st Century
BOOKS: Dolores Whelan’s other titles
Beltany a Thin Place in Donegal
Bridge to the Otherworld: A Rainbow at Beltany
Sliabh na Calliagh – Loughcrew
Sean O’Duinn – Where Three Streams Meet
Sean O’Duinn – The Rites of Brigid, Goddess and Saint
Hill of Uisneach – Walking Meditation on the Hill of Uisneach
Thank you for listening to the Thin Places Travel Podcast. You can find us on the web at thinplacespodcast.com. You can also find me on twitter at @travelhags and facebook.com/thinplaces.
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In our next episode, our guest will be author Patricia Byrne who will talk to us about Achill Island in County Mayo, Ireland