EP 004 Burial Grounds, Death and the Ancients

Thin Places Podcast -ep004 - Burial Grounds, Death and the Ancients

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#004 Burial Grounds, Death and the Ancients
Host – Mindie Burgoyne
Guest – Michael Moylan, Archaeologist and tour guide for Michael Gibbons Archaeological Tours
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Segment 1- Mindie –

Death is the ultimate connection to the landscape.

Experiencing Death and birth.   Both are beginnings and ends of life cycles

It seems the ancient people of Western Europe may have articulated this concept in their passage tombs. Sometimes they resemble a womb with the earth as the mother.

Thin places are places where we mark beginning and ends. These are sacred times. Fitting to be remembered and memorialized in sacred spaces.

In this next segment, Archaeologist Michael Moylan takes us to a burial ground in Connemara long forgotten. He uncovers a few graves and talks a little about the burial process in that region. Continue reading “EP 004 Burial Grounds, Death and the Ancients”

EP 001 – What are Thin Places? St. Gobnait’s Journey

Thin Places Podcast - What are Thin Places

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#001 What are Thin Places?  St. Gobnait’s Journey
Host – Mindie Burgoyne
Guest –   Ruth O’Hagan
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In Episode #1 Mindie Burgoyne discusses the definition of “thin places” and explains why travel to Ireland is so often associated with mystical and spiritual travel.  The guest for this episode is Ruth O’Hagan, from County Clare, Ireland.

Mindie tries to define Thin Places and tells the story of St. Gobnait

What are thin places?  places where the veil between this world and the otherworld is thin.

Are places made thin by us or are they inherently thin?

How do identify a thin place?  What caused the ancients to choose certain places that still vibrate today?

Why Ireland – why are there so many thin places there? Continue reading “EP 001 – What are Thin Places? St. Gobnait’s Journey”